Monday, February 12, 2007

Maids are GREAT – Monday 12 Feb 07

Pretty much everyone here seems to have a maid. Some of them even have their maids come a few times a week and some come every day! I’m not talking family of 6 here, I’m talking single people and couples have maids that come at least a few times a week.

Anyways, last week Chris and I relented and got a maid to come and clean the house – mostly coz we needed someone to vacuum, sweeping the tiles works ok, but sweeping the carpet in our rooms just wasn’t doing the job. She came on Saturday while I was at Ain Sukhna. She did a pretty good job, but they left the vacuum here so we’ve been umming and ahhing about whether we would vacuum ourselves or get her to come back.

Since she only cost £30, which is about AUD$7 we decided it was probably worth it :)

Anyways, we decided that Saturday’s are a bit annoying coz we need to be here while she cleans and we don’t really want to have to be home on a Saturday – what if we get a better offer?!?.

Today Chris needed to leave the office early coz he had to be in Ma’adi by 4pm. Coz we share Sharif the driver, we both had to leave at the same time so I came home to finish my work. Since I was going to be home anyway, we arranged for the maid to come today.

Last week it took her about 2 ½ hours (that included cleaning the balcony etc). Today she brought a helper and was done in about 1 ½ hours. They clean every flat surface, they remake the beds (even if they are already made) and fold the washing. I think the maid is going to become a regular fixture :)


Viking said...

How quickly you relent... Now you'll have to get a maid when you get back home too! LOL

KJ said...

I think the cost difference would get me back to reality - $7 verses probably $50 at home would make me inclined to do my own vacuuming!!

Viking said...

Probably the $50 is fairly optimistic... LOL

Lord Falconburger said...

Whats a vacuum?

Viking said...

It's the lack of stuff that turns you inside out when you try a space walk without a suit.