Thursday, February 22, 2007

Valentine Hash – Friday 16 Feb 07

Well it’s Friday again so time to Hash… Today was a fancy Hash – a themed hash for Valentine’s Day.

There were a few ex-Cairo hashers who were home for the weekend who joined us today on the Hash. They were both pretty funny guys who really got into the spirit of the circle… one guy even had beer drunk out of his new shoes

The rule is that if you wear new shoes to the Hash then you deserve to have then drunk from… the quirky thing about the Cairo hash is that it’s always Useless (one of the Hash beers) who drinks from the new shoes… this time it was Useless and General Siemens (the old hasher with the new shoes). The gross part of this story is that they drank out of the sneakers AFTER he’s done the run… so they’d have been all sweaty and sandy… don’t image that made the beer taste its best!

Anyways, this episode over it was back to the normal circle activities. People were being called into the circle to draw out raffle tickets (this weeks prizes were great - wine, champers, chocolates… unfortunately I didn’t win :( ). A newbie was brought into the circle and left her hat on. It was taken off her and just tossed on the sand in front of her.

Just to keep you up to speed – there are some time honoured traditions and rules for the circle:
1. You drink with your left hand (we don’t want to know what you do with your right hand).
2. No hats in the circle.
3. When one hare drinks, all hares drink.
4. New shoes deserve punishment – beer will be drunk from them.

I think most of this is just an excuse to get and give more down downs, but they are the rules nonetheless.

Anyway – this girl’s hat is taken off her and tossed on the sand. The circle moves on. Then out of nowhere all most people hear is “You mother f@$%er. I just told you 2 seconds ago that that was a Christmas present. You arsehole!” as this guy storms into the circle and then storms out again.

Everyone is just kinda looking at each other not really knowing what was going on. I assumed that the guy was yelling at Tom (Gorillas in the Mist) who is our RA – Religious Adviser – the guy who does al the yelling and carrying on in the circle. He just kinda looked confused and looked and the guy then just moved the circle on by bringing someone else into the circle to draw another raffle ticket.

Afterwards at the on-on we discovered some more background to the story.

So the story goes – Yelling guy had been stood on one side of the circle talking to a guy called Tony (an old hasher who’s been hashing since time began). When the hat was thrown on the ground Tony walked through the circle to the other side and on his way kicked sand on the hat and poured beer on it. He did this because it’s the way it has always been. Nothing malicious, just a bit of fun.

Unfortunately it was Yelling guy and his girlfriends first time at the Hash so they had no idea what had happened or why. Plus obviously the guys a bit of a wanker to get so vocal about a hat (I mean seriously - throw it in the washing machine – it’ll come good again!).

So this tantrum over (there have been tantrums the last 3 hash’s in a row – some more public than others though!) the circle moved on and all was quite pleasant.

Because it was a themed hash there were special prizes for best dressed man, best dressed women and hottest hash couple.

The girl winner was a girl wearing pink knickers with hearts all over them and the best dressed bloke was wearing a red galabayia. Hottest Hash Couple was Sarah and Simon. It was funny because the voting is by yelling, but the selection of candidate is just random by the RA. He just wandered round the circle randomly grabbing people to be candidates. Wesley was wearing his red shorts (made especially for many years of valentine hash’s) and his red hash t-shirt so he was one of the contenders. He was pipped at the post by the guy wearing the dress – you’ve got to give it to a bloke who’ll walk through the desert wearing a red galabayia dress.

The on-on was at Dragon House again. Chinese/Thai buffet. Quite nice food but the pots are always mostly empty – they need to fill up quicker J

After dinner we felt like having a few more drinks so went to a pub called Corriana’s. It was Vietnamese New Year and the place is owned by a Vietnamese woman so it was all decorated etc. We were just going for one drink, but we ended up staying there till about 1am because Wesley had to fly to Leeds at 2am so we figured it would be easier to just stay up. It was a really fun night. We caught up with some other hashers who were there and had a few laughs with them.

So another Hash over, lots of fun had by all I think.

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