Monday, February 12, 2007

Hash – Domestics and Indian – Friday 9 Feb 07

Today we hashed – we go basically every week. Its good fun, wandering round the desert. This was a particularly good walk, steep at times, but good length and very well marked. In the circle they commented on how well the trails were set. Obviously the hares were very experienced… knew what they were doing :)

There were loads of people there, including about a dozen newbies. I sold the raffle tickets – 101 of them – good prizes, two slabs of beer, gin, red wine, chocolates… and a hard hat. There always seems to be something weird in the raffle these days. The raffle tickets are £10 each, so about AUD$2.20 then during the circle tickets are drawn and you get to choose which of the prizes you want… so you really want to get your ticket drawn early so you get a good prize.. otherwise you end up with the hard hat (or the toilet brush from last week!).

Two of the hares were new… They were both Mexicans, the girl was from Tabasco and she almost got named ‘Hot Sauce’ which would have been cool. But they ended up as ‘Can’t Get Up’ and ‘Wont Go Down’. I’m not sure why – something about neither of them wanting to get out of bed in the morning. I think it might have been because they had to get up early to set the trail, so maybe some thing happened there. The naming can be quite dangerous, but they took it in good spirits. Even when they poured the beer and sand all over them J Luckily it wasn’t as cold as it has been, but it certainly wasn’t hot!

Anyways, so the naming is over and most people have left. The On-On was in Heliopolis (about 30 min drive from Ma’adi) because that’s where most of the Hares were from. There were about a dozen or so people still stood around, everyone just chatting… I was chatting to Alpha Bitch and Tattoo Titty when I saw a girl hurl a beer at the feet of one of the guys. Then she storms off to the cars and rips his keys out of his car and hurls them at him too. He picked up the beer, empties it (the can was half crushed) and threw the can in the bin. Then he picked up his keys and went and re-started his car (his battery had been flat and she’d jumped started it). Then they are both over at the car and she’s yelling at him… kinda quietly… I couldn’t hear what was being said but I was trying not to listen. Then she rips his keys out again and hurls them in the back of his car. He retrieves them yet again and restarts his car. She yells at him some more and then jumps in her car and storms off in a huff.

Meanwhile everyone who was left is trying to pretend they weren’t listening and carrying on their conversations.

Once she’s driven off he comes back to the group who were still chatting and finishes his beer. A few quiet comments were made along the lines of ‘nice row’, but nothing too pointed. I found out later the domestic was between him and his ex girlfriend. She’d ask for a lift to the on-on and he’d said no coz he was going with someone else – so she had a spastic. Apparently for everyone but me and Mexican’s this was not a new scene so no one said much about it. I’d have been horrified for someone to yell at me in front of a dozen of my friends, but he seemed to shrug it off…

Anyways, this drama over everyone left the desert. Most of the people who were still there were part of the hares etc so they all went off to Heliopolis. Not many Ma’adi people go to the On-On when its in Heliopolis coz its too far to go. Normally the Ma’adi crowd has an alternate on-on when the official one is in Heliopolis and the Heli people have their own on-on in Heli when the official one is in Ma’adi.

The on-on in Heliopolis was at an Indian place though and I wanted to go so I convinced Wesley to go as well so I wouldn’t be on my own. Brian hadn’t been able to go to the Hash coz there was an off-shore crisis and he couldn’t go out of mobile coverage. We thought he’d be keen for dinner so we rang him and picked him up on our way.

The beer at the hash, plus the two vodkas in the car nearly had me on my arse by the time we arrived. I didn’t have a drink all through dinner, I was waiting for the naan to soak up the vodka.

Dinner was very yummy, I got Rojan Josh – it was lovely. We also had a range of appetisers first, plus rice and salad type things and of course NAAN – I love NAAN (it’s the only reason I go for Indian J) It only came to £120 each so about $25 and I was so full afterwards J

Once we’d finished dinner we all piled into the available cars and went to the Heliopolis BCA. Its way nicer than the Mohandiseen one, but it’s been recently done up. We played pool and some of the people played foos ball. It was good fun. Sarah (one of the hares) was winning nearly every pool game – she was really good. We had a few beers (well I didn’t even finish one, but everyone else had a few) and then called a car to come take us back to Ma’adi.

I’m really glad we went, the food was good, the people were lovely – it was a really nice night.

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