Sunday, February 25, 2007

Mystery Hash – Friday 23 Feb 07

Today’s hash was a little bit different. Today they had Mystery hares. Everyone who has a hare shirt was supposed to wear it, then we had to guess who the actual hares were.

There were loads of people at the Ace club waiting for a ride, so when one woman suggested we get a lift to gate of the wadi we decided to try that. We got there just as a couple of cars were coming in so the women and Jessie (American Uni Cairo girl) got in the car with them. Then Darren drove up and told Chris and I that we could hang off the side of his 4WD – we accepted. It was that or a 3km walk into the RV site!

So we stood on the ledges by the doors and hung onto the roof racks. Darren drove nice and sedately through the bumps and we got safely to the RV site. It was pretty fun actually, we were joking around coz this is how the Egyptians drive all the time – with people aging off the side of their cars. When we got to the RV site Aler was asking how we ended up hanging off the side of Darren’s car – said she’d been behind him earlier and we weren’t there, but then she caught up to us on the road inside the wadi and we were hanging off his car.

The hash was really good, very steep at times, but very good.

When everyone was back, we got into the circle, brought in the virgin hashers, did the usual things. Then Darren asked us to guess the hares. The running hares were guessed (Aler and Useless), but no one guessed the walking hare – it was Dan and his daughter Samantha. It was Samantha’s first hare (she’s about 6) so she got named. We asked Dan if there were any preferences and he said she likes to swim and ballet and something like pink princess would be good. So Leeanne suggested pink princess and I think that won – then she got doused in water and sand. It was funny when they were thinking of names though – someone said Desmond Tutu and Dan said ‘’Can she have something she gets!!’ Someone else suggested Swam Lake, and a few others like that. She looked a little terrified but held up well. When she got back and Dan got her into a clean top we were congratulating her and she started giggling.

It was John’s (Doggie Style) 50th birthday today so he got called into the circle – well technically he was filling in for the Religious Adviser who wasn’t there so Alpha Bitch (his wife) called him into the circle to get awarded his 20 hares mug, his 100 hash’s t-shirt then he was given a t-shirt that said I’m not 50, I’m an 18 year old with 32 years experience. It was quite funny coz he couldn’t finish his down down so had to pour it on his head. For the 20 hares down down they pulled into the circle the other 4 people who’ve done 20 hares and that included Alpha Bitch – she didn’t finish her beer either and poured her dregs on John’s head too.

Then I’m not sure what started it by John started pulling people into the circle from different countries – there was something about English people not hugging and American’s being very touchy feely. I’m not sure why but it ended up being more than just a gentle hug – John started picking the girls up when he hugged them and bringing them into the circle like that. Then the Argentinean women kinda jumped up and ended up being carried in John’s arms… I thought I’d escaped, but then Simon and Sarah said ‘What about the Aussies!’ So John came and picked me up and carried me into the circle.

Leeann was there so I made her be primary Song Frau. We decided to remind people about the ‘We Go Hashing’ song so we got them all singing that a few times. They defiantly need more practice. Leeann’s not going to be here for the next two weeks so I’m going to print off some copies of ‘We Go Hashing’ to make it easier on myself J

Chris and I managed to get seats for the ride back to the Ace club with Kim and Rebecca so then we got Sharif (driver man) to take us to Leeann’s because Chris had an interview to do. The interview was suppose to be at 6pm, then the women was half hour late and it took him an hour and half – so 8pm instead of 7pm we finally made it to the on-on.

The on-on was at Cathy and John’s because it was John’s birthday. They had loads of Thai food and lots of people came. It was really good. Chris and I spent most of the night talking to Darren and Suzanne. They were telling us about the petrified whale bones that are about 2 hours out of Cairo. They sound really interesting.

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