Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Hashing in Wadi Digla – 1 Feb 07

Chris went in the Digla Dash today. It was a 10km race in the desert – up and down hills, on sand and rocks. Crazy stuff, but he was happy with his time. Most people who went in the Digla Dash didn’t do the Hash. Chris came to the RV site, but then changed his mind.

We have a guy in the Hash who’s a really fast runner, but he’s also the Hare Raiser – which means he’s suppose to convince, beg and beat people into haring each week. He couldn’t find enough people to hare today so had to do it himself. This meant he couldn’t go in the Digla Dash which he’d planned to.

There was another guy who’d said he’d hare, but didn’t show up. He said he went to meet them and they weren’t there, but the other three managed to sort themselves out. So not only did the hare raiser have to hare on the day he wanted to race, he also had to set the trail by himself. We’re not suppose to set the trail on our own because it dangerous to wander the desert by yourself. Luckily I think guy has been in Cairo and hashing for a while so he knew what he was doing.

The walk was really good, except for one bit that was on the edge of a cliff. It was a really narrow path and on the edge of a 20 meter drop…bit daunting, especially with the dogs running through our legs.

Leeann had done the Digla Dash so hadn’t come to the hash so I was left to manage the song mistress duties. I was a bit useless, I couldn’t think of the songs or the words (had to go and get reinforcements from a woman who’s been helping me with the words). I’d meant to print out the almost finished book and bring it with me, but forgot on Thursday in my rush to leave work. I hope it’ll be finished soon – I want to make sure its printed and bound before I leave!

One of the hares was a new guy – so he got named. He ended up being called Rombaldy (something to do with a soccer player he looked like, plus the fact that he was losing his hair)

The on-on was at a new place – a French crepe place. It was pretty good. The hares put on the beer and wine because it was a byo which was nice of them.

We had originally planned to go on to a pub somewhere afterwards. But we decided to call it a night because Wesley and I were both tired and Brian was having a catastrophe at work so couldn’t be drunk when they rang him from the oil rig. Chris went out clubbing with Leanne and a bunch of her friends till 4am!

It was a really nice day, the weather was good, the circle was good. All very good.

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