Monday, January 22, 2007

Party in Maadi – 18 January 2007

Tonight Chris and I went to Maadi to a party with Leeanne. The party was at Leeanne’s neighbours place, there were about a dozen people there when we arrived. Leeanne’s cousin had arrived in from Canada today and he came to the party, so did Andy. We were there for an hour or so, then Andy had to go (because he was flying back to the states for a week or so). Leeanne suggested we go with him back to Zamalek and go to a club that some of his friends were at.

We go to the Four Season’s and went to a place called ‘Club 35’. It took a little while to get in because it was really crowded, but Andy knew some people who were already there and they got us in. We were shown to a table and ordered some drinks, then we decided to go dancing. Leeanne was talking to random strangers who we ended up dancing with. There was an Aussie guy who’s been living in Switzerland and his swiss mate. They were good fun.

About 230am we decided to call it a night. Chris and I were staying in Maadi because we thought that’s where we’d be all night and the Hash being on Friday it made more sense to stay there. So we got back to Leeanne’s place and went back over to the party we’d started at. There was only about 6 people left – Leeanne’s cousin James and about 6 of the host’s female friends. It was pretty funny to walk into the party and see James surrounded by women dancing to salsa typ music. By now it was a little after 3am so we went back to Leeanne’s and crashed out. It was a good night. I had fun out dancing :)

On Friday morning we went out for breakfast and I got to eat HAM!!! It’s crazy how much you want stuff that you can’t get. It’s like when we first arrived I wanted alcohol and couldn’t get it and now I keep drooling over the idea of ham just because its so hard to find. You can’t get it in the normal supermarkets, only in special deli’s. I didn’t even realise you could get it in the deli’s until this morning. I guess it’s because this place is run by Coptics (who don’t have the pork issues that muslin’s have) and its in Maadi so it has a pretty big cliental. It was SOOOOOO yummy.

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