Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Felucca Ride on the Nile – 7 January 2007

Chris and I went with some of the Hash people on a felucca ride on the Nile today. It was a lovely afternoon. We got on the felucca about 3pm and sailed around for about 2 hours. We drank mulled wine (and beer), ate cheese and crackers and chatted.

The felucca’s are kinda like a sailboat. You have an Egyptian captain who deals with the sails, steering and basically making the boat go. Then you sit in the boat on benches that have cushions on them and there is a big table – like a picnic table in the middle.

I discovered mulled wine is very tasty, nice and warm on a chilly afternoon and can get you quite drunk. I didn’t have that much but even the few glasses I had made an impression on my lack of sea legs! One of the Hash guys brought his dog Bogey along. She’s a gorgeous brown and black boxer. She’s not normally a beggar but was feeling neglected because everyone was talking and paying her no attention so she’d sit at your feet staring up at you with her big beautiful brown eyes. Apparently she quite likes cheese :)

It was a lovely afternoon and would be even nicer when the weather gets a little warmer.

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