Sunday, January 07, 2007

Hash – Lower Wadi Digla – Friday 29 December 2006

Another Friday – another Hash. Today we went to Lower Wadi Digla again, but the walk was really easy – just along the road and back. I was talking to Mary (Piet – ‘Wet Fingers’ wife) as we walked along and then all of a sudden Weal yells out to stop – apparently we were suppose to only walk to the check point then go back. Instead I went with Mary, Piet etc and walked up the a little mountain and came back that way. It probably only added a couple of kms to the walk, but at least 300m was up a cliff. It was good, I was chatting to Mary most of the way and to the girls Dorito and Tulip (Doreen and Powla).

Weal and Useless were the two hares, along with an Egyptian girl and Russian girl. Both girls are psychologist who teach/work with kindergarten kids. It was their first hare so they got named. The Egyptian ended up as ‘Psycho Tits’ and the Russian as ‘Put it in’ (as in Putnin the Russian president I think).

They sung a few songs that I didn’t know so I mentioned to Wes that I had some missing form my book and he said he’s get them for me next week. They sung a ‘sinner’s’ song that was pretty funny, plus they also sung a few I’d deliberately left out of the book. I need to go back and re-visit the original site and get them – add them in. It thought they weren’t that funny when I read them, but they were sung they sounded much funnier. Three girls were called into the circle (I can’t remember what for now) so they sung a ‘life up your top’ song that was fairly funny but I can’t remember how it goes. Then four boys were called into the circle – they were going to just sing the ‘why were you born so beautiful’ song but one of the guys said no – its four guys here and we sang a girl song before so lets sing the foreskin song. I can’t remember the words to that one either, but basically the boys sang one verse and the girls were suppose to sing the next verse, but only about 2 girls in the circle knew the words. I think it was actually funnier because none of the girls sang!

The on-on was at the rugby club, but I decided that because I fly to Prague tonight (well at 3am tomorrow) that I should come home and pack instead. I’m very excited about Prague :)

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