Wednesday, January 24, 2007

New Photos – 24 January 2007

Ok, I’ve finally got around to uploading some more pics onto the website. It now has a bunch from my first while here in Egypt, plus a selection of the ones I took in Prague. I think I took about 200 pics in Prague, but I’ve uploaded about 20.

To make it easier here is a link to the photos:

I’ve taken loads, but only up loaded a selection from each thing. Check out the fabulous air quality pic – it was like looking through ice cream. I’ll take one soon that shows the view of the pyramids from our balcony. Unfortunately most days it’s too hazy to see much clearly.

I’ll take my camera to the Hash soon too and take some pics of that. It’s pretty amazing in the desert. There were loads of pics taken at the 1400th Hash so I’ll try getting some of them.

LATE ADDITION: There are now pics up for when Chris and I got named on the Hash on Dec 15 2006 – very messy process…

1 comment:

Lord Falconburger said...

Prague looks wicked... of course i LOVE the Cathedral Of Bones!... does tat make me a ghoul? ;-)