Saturday, March 24, 2007

Woes Me – Sunday 18 March 2007

I’ve been so worried about Alana and Mike getting sick from the food here and having a horrible holiday and instead it’s me who gets sick! Last night when I went to go to bed, I’d been in bed for all of 4 minutes before I had to dash to the bathroom. I then had the joy and excitement of spending most of the evening sitting on the edge of my shower with massive stomach cramps and throwing up. Fun Fun Fun.

I’m not sure what caused me to be sick coz in Alex we all ate the same food and then we had Beno’s for dinner. My noodles at Beno’s was fairly crappy but we’ve eaten there loads and had no problems with the food… the only thing I can think of is that I reacted to the ice-cream in Alex. I’ve had dairy issues since I arrived, but this is the first time I’ve been doubled up with cramps!

This morning Chris asked me how I slept (coz I’m on a dodgy single mattress in the lounge) and I said crap, been sick all night, no sleep – woes me :(

He said not to come into work, but you know how it is, you assume that when you haven’t thrown up for 4 hours that you’re getting over it so I said no, I’d be fine. Apparently I was a little optimistic – I had to have three little lie downs on the couch in our office during the day and I was still in pain when we got home from work. Poor Me :(

Alana and Mike had spent the day at the pyramids. When Chris had gone a week or so ago with Valerie he’d been taken to a carpet school even though he’d said he didn’t want to – in fact he’d ended up yelling at them say No carpet schools, No Papyrus Institutes and NO perfume shops – even after his little tantrum he still ended up at the horse riding place with Sharif saying I thought you wanted to ride horses to the pyramids. He was so angry.

Given this experience I was very explicit with Ahmed. We’d arranged for a guide for the pyramids for Alana and Mike so I sent a text to Ahmed this morning saying please remind the guide - No carpets, No Papyrus, NO perfume shops. Just Giza, Saqqara, Red and Bent pyramids. Seems like it worked, Alana and Mike got back having had a great time with no hassles at all.

The only issue they faced was when Sharif dropped them at home they got out of the car and the key to the house had fallen out of Mike’s pocket – so Sharif came to pick us up and we got home about an hour and half later with the key in my hand (I’d found it on the back seat). They’ve had no mobile while they’ve been here so I had no way to contact them and I had no idea where they’d be when I got home. Luckily I found them sitting on our front steps :)

Anyways, we get home from work and I’m still feeling crappy but we’re going out to dinner. I wasn’t feeling sick anymore, just not right – a little fragile – so I decided I was ok to go out for dinner. We went to Labodaga and we met Wesley, Brian and Stevie there. We ordered a banquet type meal of which I ate about 6 bites. Everyone else seemed to enjoy the food – it was a nice dinner.

After dinner Wesley and the boys went home and Chris and I took Alana and Mike for a quick look around the Marriot. Its very fancy, it used to be a palace so it’s very very ornate – you could just image kings and queens holding audiences in the massive rooms.

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