Monday, March 12, 2007

Celebrating with Latin Music – 8 March 2007


I found out today that I got promoted J My Career Counsellor sent me an email saying GOOD NEWS!!!! effective as of March 1 you are a Manager.

We don’t normally have a March promotion round anymore, now days it’s just in September. The September process starts in May – they give themselves four months to get organized. This round seemed to come out of nowhere. February 15 they sent out an email saying there would be March promo round. Luckily my career counsellor, my managers from the ATO and Chris were all very supportive and got their recommendations all in on time for me.

So anyways, I’m now a manager… It’s a little bit exciting J its not like its going to have a major impact on the work I do… at least not for a little bit anyway… but it’s certainly nice to know all that busting my arse I did at the ATO paid off!!

To celebrate my promotion Wesley came round for dinner and then we went to ‘The Place’. It’s a boat on the Nile that has Latin music. The band was five Cuban girls in tight white pants and little red tops singing some Latin songs, some Cuban songs and some covers. They were really good. It didn’t start till late so we rocked up just before midnight. We had reserved a bar table so we sat down, had a few drinks and listed to them sing. We’re not entirely sure that they spoke any English at all, but they did a good job of the songs – even if they were a bit of an eclectic selection. There were a couple of Shakira songs, Alisha’s Attic, some random Latin and Cuban songs and a bunch of other covers. We were there about 2 hours and they sang for most of that time. There was a base guitarist, keyboardist, bongo type drums, the lead signer and a flutist! I don’t think I’ve ever been to see a band at a bar that included a flutist. She was really good though.

It was a really good night. By the time we left, got a cab and got back to Maadi it was about 3am. Then we had to walk Bogey so it was getting onto 4am before I fell into bed. It’s been a while since I’ve been up til 4am – I’m getting out of practice!


Viking said...

Congratulations! I assume that you won't be taking on the new responsibilities until you get home?

KJ said...

yeah - i'll finish up this work here and then when i get back my new role will be at manager level.