Saturday, March 24, 2007

What an exciting life I lead… – Thursday 22 March 2007

Oh I lead such an exciting life. All week we’ve been up late working – it was so bad one night that at nearly 11pm Chris and I were both sitting at the kitchen table working and Maha (the girl I work with) popped up on messenger saying she’d almost finished the Arabic version of module 2 – so there we were 11pm all sitting at our kitchen tables working.

Thursday is like the Friday of home so when Thursday night rolls around we’re usually going somewhere – even if it’s just out for dinner. But we were so buggered this week from all the late nights that we just came home, went to the gym and cooked ourselves a curry for dinner and vegged out in front of the telly. Even still it was after 11pm before I went to bed – no wonder I’m so tired!!

One potentially exciting thing that’s happening is that Shakira is playing in Cairo – at the pyramids! Chris and I are thinking of going. I’m not a huge Shakira fan – I know about 3 songs – but it’d still be pretty cool to see a concert at the pyramids. Tickets are £400 so nearly $100 aussie, but still it’d be pretty cool. We haven’t decided for sure yet, but its tempting…


Lord Falconburger said...

Do eet!

Viking said...

I'm with cheeseburger... Do eet!

KJ said...

Change of plans - instead I’m dragging my poor overburdened brother to a ball at the base of the pyramids... and dumping our mate at a hotel... nice friends aren’t we :)

Viking said...

Said mate isn't too fussed. Will be first night on his own for his RTW trip, and he better start getting used to it! LOL