Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Wandering in the Wadi – Saturday 3 Mar 07

Today Wesley and I took Bogey (the dog) out to the Wadi. It was a gorgeous day – probably about 25 degrees, sun streaming in from every angle. It was lovely.

We’d planned to have a picnic and try and encourage Bogey to run around in the sand but by the time we went to the store, did a few errands and got organised it was too late so we just took some Pringles and some beers and sat on the top of one of the littler mountains enjoying the sun.

We spent about 20 minutes walking up one of the sides of the wadi (lungs pumping again!) and then wandered round on the top for a while. There isn’t much to see really – just mile upon mile of sand and rocks with the city on the horizon. The weather was perfect though. Hot enough to wear a tank top (the wadi is out of the way so no danger of being hissed at by the locals) but not so hot that you were begging for a pool to jump into.

I think next week we’ll see if we can round up some of the usual suspects (including some other dogs for Bogey to chase around) and have a proper picnic.

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