Monday, June 18, 2007

Wine & Cheese at Mona's – Tuesday 24 April 2007

Today was my last day at work. Tomorrow is a public holiday and we’re setting off on Safari. Work wrapped up pretty well. We’ve still got a few days left of pilot but its progressing well. I packed up the last of my stuff from the apartment this morning too. I guess this adventure is almost over.

Aidan and Colin spent today at the Pyramids. They went to the Red and Bent pyramids and to the Step pyramid at Saqqara. They also went to the Giza pyramids and the Sphinx.

Tomorrow is a public holiday so Mona decided to have a ‘wine and cheese’ night at her place. She lives at City View which is quite near my office. Luckily we were able to go straight there from work and we still didn’t get there till after 6:30pm. We did dawdle a bit at Carrefour though so we wouldn’t be first there :)

Aidan and Colin came with me to Mona’s and Wesley met us there. It took everyone ages to get there. The traffic was particularly bad and it can take an hour on a good day. I think those coming from Heliopolis took almost 1.5 hours and it took Wesley even longer from Ma’adi.

Colin and I started our anti-malaria pills today. Aidan doesn’t start his til tomorrow because he’s on different ones. I think the pills have made me a little woozy. I only had half a glass of wine and I was feeling light headed. I’m a bit concerned that I might not react well to the pills and not be able to take them while I’m away. I guess I’ll give it a day or so and see

Mona’s was good. Loads of people were there - the usual suspects, plus a few extras. Simon and Sarah were there, Simon leaves for India in a few days. Sarah is staying around for another couple of weeks – at least until the Rugby Club ball. Jan & Brian were there too. Today was their 25th wedding anniversary. Last night they went out for dinner to celebrate and went to the Heliopolis BCA for a quiet drink. A quiet drink turned into a huge night with copious amounts of wine. They were more than a little hung over today :)

It was a really nice night.

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