Monday, June 18, 2007

Dinner Party – Monday 23 April 2007

Today was my second last day at work. We’re progressing through the pilot. I can’t tell for sure how it’s going because it’s all in Arabic, but Maha assures me it’s all going fine.

The boys spent the day at the museum and then they went to Hard Rock for lunch. They enjoyed the museum – they couldn’t believe how much like an old warehouse it is. They were stunned that you could just touch the 5000 year old monuments!

I decided that we shouldn’t get take out or go out for dinner every night they boys were here – we could all probably use some vegetables – so I cooked dinner. Since I was cooking for the four of us anyway, we invited Chris too and Paul (one of the rotators at Wesley’s work).

It was a fairly basic dinner – we had jacket potatoes (finished off on the bbq) with capsicum, mushrooms and cheese, plus steamed broccoli and beans and beautiful steaks. It was so yummy.

When I was preparing it Wesley came in and said I shouldn’t be doing it myself and called the boys in and got them helping. We had Chris pealing garlic, Aidan cutting broccoli and Colin scrubbing potatoes and Wesley dealt with the marinating the steaks. By the time Paul arrived it was all sorted and we sat down to eat.

It was a really nice night. We ate dinner then just sat around chatting. I love a casual dinner party :)

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