Saturday, November 03, 2007

Egypt – Aswan Philae Light show – Wednesday 9 May

Today we left the boat and went onto our hotel. The hotel is massively swish - its five star! We were expecting a three star place and this is one of the fanciest in Aswan. I’m a bit concerned that the tour company is going to try and charge us extra money. But we requested 3 star and they gave us this without asking if we’d pay more, so we’re going to go with it and see what happens.

It was INSANELY hot today. At 9am it was already 43 degrees in the shade. Aidan and I went down to the pool and Aidan took a photo of me next the temperature board. It was ridiculous. It was even too hot to enjoy lying by the pool. I went for a swim and dried out about 17 seconds after I got out of the pool. We spent most of the day kicking back in the hotel rooms to avoid the heat.

I’m so annoyed that we ended up with the extra day is Aswan. Aswan is boring as (hasn’t helped that the very air feels like lava). We decided on the extra day because we couldn’t get flights on the days we wanted, but it was suppose to be an extra day in Luxor where there is loads more to see. Instead we ended up with an extra night on the boat at the Aswan end of the tour and we basically saw everything worth seeing yesterday. I’m sure the locals would tell you that we were missing some amazing sights, but we couldn’t find them!

Tonight we went back to the Island of Philae for the sound and light show. It was great. Like the one at Karnak the voice over was cheesy as. I don’t think it has been updated since the 80s, but its very cool to walk around 2000 year old temples in the night time.

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