Friday, October 27, 2006

The Light Show at the Pyramids – Thur 19 Oct 2006

Chris and I went on our first touristy outing in Cairo – we went to the Light Show at the Pyramids of Giza. It was good, the lights emphasis the pyramids size etc, but the story is a bit cheesy!

We hired a taxi from the hotel and went down to watch the English show. While we were lining up to get in, a little kid sold some post cards to an American women in front of us, then this man came over took the money off the kid and gave it back to the lady. So the lady gave the post cards back to the kid. None of us could understand what was going on, the man kept yelling at the kid and pointing. Once the women had taken the money back and given back the post cards the man pushed another kid in front of her and started gesturing for her to buy the post cards off the second kid. She said no, and he kept pushing it and then the women’s husband stepped in said NO! and moved his wife further on. I don’t think anyone in the line up knew quite what happened, but regardless no one way buying post cards off the second kid!

The actual light show was good. I couldn’t get any decent photos because when I used the flash all I got were the people sitting in front of us and when I didn’t I couldn’t keep the camera still enough – needed a tripod.


Lord Falconburger said...

how's the new camera holding up otherwise?

KJ said...

the camera is good. Main prob is I keep hitting the buttons and changing mode, just need to get used to the shape of it I guess.

Also, in retrospec i think rechargable A4 batteries might have been better. Mostly because now if i forget o charge up I can't take photos, where as if I wa using A4s I could buy some at any shop... oh well, i'll keep that in mind for the next camera in another 4 years :)